start seeing the world clearly Your LASIK journey starts here Personalized, Life-Changing Results at Utah Valley Eye Center IS LASIK RIGHT FOR me? SCHEDULE FREE CONSULTATION Wake Up to Clear [...]
start seeing the world clearly Your LASIK journey starts here Personalized, Life-Changing Results at Utah Valley Eye Center IS LASIK RIGHT FOR me? SCHEDULE FREE CONSULTATION Wake Up to Clear [...]
A doctor that specializes in myopia management is trained to provide tailored care that goes beyond standard vision correction. They can prescribe specialized treatments designed to slow down the [...]
Children with astigmatism and myopia are still good candidates for myopia management. Each treatment plan is customized to meet the individual patient’s specific needs, ensuring personalized care.
Using vision plan benefits can usually reduce the cost of specialty contact treatment by $300.00.
Glasses can treat a child’s blurry vision, but they do not slow the progression of myopia and address the underlying issue- the elongation of the eye. Myopia management can slow down the [...]
Myopia management techniques for adults typically focus on reducing symptoms and optimizing visual clarity rather than halting the progression of myopia, which often stabilizes in adulthood. It [...]
Regular eye exams are crucial for monitoring myopia progression and adjusting treatment plans. It’s recommended to have eye exams every 6 to 12 months, or as advised by your myopia management doctor.
Myopia management involves various treatments and lifestyle changes designed to slow the progression of myopia in children and young adults. This can include specialized contact lenses, atropine [...]
Most studies have shown that a Myopia Management program can reduce the level of myopia at age 20 by 50-60%. Experienced practitioners usually find that they can reduce it by 70-80%. For [...]