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Presbyopia is a gradual decrease in the eyes ability to focus up close. This is caused by a loss of elasticity of the lens in the eye. The lens is surrounded by a thin muscle which can constrict to help you see an image up close or relax to help you see clearly at distance. The normal aging process causes the lens to harden.The lens then becomes less flexible preventing your eyes from focusing well at near. Presbyopia is a universal vision disorder and happens to all of us eventually.
Presbyopia is a gradual decrease in the eyes ability to focus up close. This is caused by a loss of elasticity of the lens in the eye. The lens is surrounded by a thin muscle which can constrict to help you see an image up close or relax to help you see clearly at distance. The normal aging process causes the lens to harden.The lens then becomes less flexible preventing your eyes from focusing well at near. Presbyopia is a universal vision disorder and happens to all of us eventually.
When presbyopia occurs?
Presbyopia usually occurs in your early to mid 40s and will continue to worsen into your 60s. You will find that you need to hold your cell phone or reading material further away to focus properly. In some cases, you may experience headaches or eye strain.
When presbyopia occurs?
Presbyopia usually occurs in your early to mid 40s and will continue to worsen into your 60s. You will find that you need to hold your cell phone or reading material further away to focus properly. In some cases, you may experience headaches or eye strain.
Treatment for presbyopia
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