
Helpful Tips for Your Child’s Eye Exam

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It is normal for any child to have some apprehension about going to the Optometrist. The Optometrists at Utah Valley Eye Center in Orem can make your child comfortable during their annual exams, working towards their needs and reassuring them along the way. To help you in getting your child prepared for their eye exam we have gathered some helpful tips for you to try.


  • Find a doctor that is good with children. The optometrists at Utah Valley Eye Center have the experience with children you can trust.
  • Children look to adults for cues: if you seem nervous, your child may become anxious. A trip to the eye doctor should be fun and informative for the both of you.
  • Schedule the appointment when your child is not likely to be sleepy or hungry. If your child has a “cranky” time of day, schedule around it.
  • Bring your child’s favorite cuddly toy. The doctor can “examine” the bear or doll and holding a toy may keep little hands off of expensive equipment. Any form of comfort will help.
  • Make a list of your questions and bring it with you. Take notes when speaking to the doctor, so that you can refer to them later. This is especially helpful for first timers or those who are just prescribed eyewear. Gather as much information you can to be able to help your child when they come to you with questions or concerns.
  • Let your child watch a family member get an eye exam. Have the doctor explain what is being done, step by step, and encourage the child to ask questions. The more they know the more likely they won’t be scared when it comes to be their turn for an eye exam.
  • Have a plan ready in case you need to spend time in the waiting room. Bring a favorite storybook, coloring book or small toy that your child can play with quietly. A snack can also help to pass the time. Try and make it a fun and easy going experience for everyone involved.
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