
What can damage glasses?

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Prescription glasses are important to many people as they go through their day to day lives. Glasses are an investment that improve your vision and how you look. Finding glasses that give you confidence can be difficult and once you have found some, keeping them in good condition will help your glasses last longer. Taking care of your prescription glasses keeps them in a condition that enables you to have better vision. 


Certain cleaning materials can damage your eye wear instead of cleaning it. Using seemingly soft but actually coarse materials such as a paper towel, tee-shirt, or tissues can scratch your prescription glasses over time. These materials may seem like soft usable materials but these are still too coarse. You may not notice scratches right away when using these materials but over time yoru lenses will become cloudy and not clear. When cleaning your glasses use the soft clothes that come with your glasses. 


The only product that should be used to clean your glasses lenses are glasses cleaners. Other products such as nail polish remover are bad for lenses. These products damage frames and lenses. Using saliva or water to clean glasses is also not good. Trying to clean lenses with these create smudges and can leave the lenses cloudier than before. 


Glasses do not last forever and will need to be replaced at some point, but taking good care of your prescription glasses can help them last longer. If your lenses are damaged and need to be replaced you may still be able to use the same frames. Oftentimes lenses need to be changed when a prescription changes, especially in the case of children whose prescriptions change often. Talk to your Orem Eye Doctor about your options when your prescription changes or lenses need to be replaced.


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