How to Heal Successfully after Eyelid Surgery

 In Eye Care

After you have decided to get eyelid surgery from one of our experienced doctors at Utah Valley Eye Center in Provo you will want to make sure you are prepared for the healing process after the surgery is complete. The better you are at following the at home care instructions provided by your doctor, the more likely you will heal faster and with no complications. Below is a list of just some of the things that you can do to make sure you heal successfully after eyelid surgery.


  • Keep your head raised. This will reduce swelling and allow for faster healing. Use two to three medium sized pillows to prop your head up while you are resting in bed.


  • Use a cold compress. This will also help to alleviate any swelling or pain that you may be feeling after the anesthesia wears off. The more you can do to reduce the swelling of your eyelid area the faster you will heal.


  • Keep the surgical area clean. After your surgery your doctor will give you instructions as to how you should be keeping your incisions clean. Be as sanitary as possible when it comes to dealing with your incisions to reduce the risk of infection.


  • Give your eyes some rest. You will want to make sure you are avoiding any stress when it comes to your eyes. Try to avoid staring at the TV or computer screen for long periods of time as this causes unnecessary strain on your eyes. Avoid using contact lenses or applying make-up as this can cause damage to the incisions.


  • Use eye drops as necessary. These can help to alleviate some of the itching or dryness that you may be feeling in your eyes during the healing process. Eye drops will also help you in keeping your eyes clean and free of any fragments.


Eyelid surgery can help you to improve your vision and your appearance. When you decide you want to pursue eyelid surgery make sure you meet with the experienced doctors at Utah Valley Eye Center in Provo to learn about what is expected of you as a patient. If you have any further questions or are looking into other vision related surgeries please call and make an appointment with us today.

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